Take Inspired Action every single day as you learn what lifestyle changes you can make to decrease stress and anxiety and give you the tools to thrive!

Hi, I’m Stacey Bennington.

Stacey Bennington is a Registered Psychotherapist who helps people overcome anxiety and anchor into an empowered and thriving lifestyle. 

Our modern world is not short on reasons to be anxious, and Stacey knows this personally. Having overcome decades of hidden anxiety, Stacey has become the best kind of teacher: one who has done the work. Firsthand experience makes her holistic approach to overcoming anxiety accessible and effective.

Stacey’s personal experience, paired with 20+ years of work in Human Services, the mental health field, and hypnotherapy, is the foundation of her Conquering Anxiety Naturally Program. In this program, clients work directly with Stacey through modules that explore thought, nutrition, gut health, physical activity and self care, decluttering and letting go, meditation, and spirituality. Clients begin the program having lost their power to anxiety, and finish by reclaiming it through empowerment and steadfast self-awareness. From complete transformation to meal planning to personalized supplements, this program addresses the whole person for full healing.

Stacey is the inspiring mentor who keeps her clients accountable for self-love and action. Each person’s innate power and self-awareness are the light switch in the darkroom of anxiety. Stacey guides her clients to the switch using the inspired action that gets them out of their thoughts, and into tangible change. Life is not just about surviving. We were born to thrive.